
Loud & Clear: People lie & TDCj remains TDCj

Clinton Lee Young – Loud & ClearTopic: People lie & TDCj remains TDCjDate: Oct. 11. 2020 I was going over some legal stuff recently. It just amazes me at how people lie just to be lying. There is some psychological effect caused by being exposed to a prosecutor or police. Many people start saying stuff […]

Loud and Clear: Ways to help

Loud & clear Topic: Ways to help Date: May 4th 2017 Hope that this finds all is good for all. With myself, just waiting to see what is up. Here is the deal. As I wrote in the last blog, they filed for a death warrant. Which is where the prosecutor files to a judge […]

Loud and Clear: My pending execution

Loud & Clear Topic: My pending execution Date: May.2nd 2017 Well shit just got serious. Spoke to my lawyers today. The prosecutors filed for an execution date. This has been known that they would for over 2 weeks, was hopeful to avoid it. They tried with talking. The real catch is the head prosecutor only […]

Loud and Clear: Thank you.

Clinton Young Loud & Clear Topic: Thank you. Date : May 1st 2017 It seems the film was properly received. Glad to know. There is still so much to be detailed. Plus there is currently some activity in my case. Lawyers do not want me detailing it all yet. This blog will be short. Though […]

Loud and Clear: follow up.

Loud and Clear Topic: follow up.   I wanted to farther explain my previous blog while the emotional roller coaster I experience shined through. My words about lawyers did not fully detail enough to give the proper image. Since I have been here. Well since I was first dealing with the judicial System really. My […]

Loud and Clear: Death penalty, death row, & those that fight for justice.

Loud & Clear by Clinton Young Topic: Death penalty, death row, & those that fight for justice. Date: Apri1:2Oth, 2017 (To make a correction/stash addition I forgot to do before mailing my last blog. I wrote about republicans being able to change constitution. I mean if they win more seats in this up coming elections […]

Loud and Clear: A Little Bit of Everything

LOUD AND CLEAR Date: March 1 2017 Topic: A Little Bit of Everything Last year about this time of the calendar I was thinking I could face an  execution  date 90 days later. When one has battled a system for so long and so hard, it is hard to have faith in doing something other […]

Loud and Clear: Past, present & future-Death Row, executions

Clinton Young – Loud and Clear Topic: Past, present, & future-Death Row, executions Date: March,1hth 2017 The past few months, while not being very active. I did a great deal of thinking. About the relationships of my life. The way with some I overlooked things I shouldn’t have: which it never gets better when such […]

Loud and Clear: Jpays /mailroom

Clinton Young Loud & Clear. Topic:  Jpays /mailroom Date: January 2017 Prison Life Am finally getting back into writing, though right now, need to focus on a more pressing matter. Many that write use Jpay, An email service that your letter gets emailed & printed out by mailroom. TDCJ makes a profit from this. So […]

Loud and Clear: Litte of this & littel of that

Clinton Young Loud & Clear. Topic: Little of this & little of that Date: Sept. 26th 2016 Prison Life Penatentiary – A petty paradise, no wise served twice. Life lost for losing lives. Given freely. What cost? Dreams. Schemes all jumbled. Rumble tumble in this fuckin jungle. Sum total of the end result. Aint no […]