
Loud and Clear: Appeal denied, gloves, & etc.

Clinton Young – Loud and Clear Topic: Appeal denied, gloves, & etc. Date: Aug. 2 2015 This place is truly an emotional roller coaster. Last week I found out the gloves showed even more favorable for me. Then this past week, on Monday I got a copy of the report. After reading over it for […]

Loud and Clear: Part two of “The gloves be tested”

Clinton Lee Young Loud and Clear Date: June 9th 2015 Topic: Part two of last blog “Gloves” I wanted to add some to my last blog. Helps people get a better idea of everything. Now I was a bit shocked about the current District Attorney of Midland agreeing to me testing the gloves. Not because […]

Loud and Clear: The gloves be tested

Clinton Young (Loud and Clear) Date: June-7th 2015 Topic: The gloves be tested I felt a need to properly explain the situation with these gloves. As people keep writing about DNA. Some have even reached out to forensic institutes and again with the theme of DNA. So let it be very clear. I DO NOT […]

Loud & Clear, June 28 2006

Loud & Clear, June 28 2006 I was given some bad news a few days ago, my lawyer informed me that the Judge will NOT allow the testimony of the ballistic expert into my appeal record. So in short the Judge is trying to limit how I can use the evidence that shows that I […]