
Loud and Clear: Past, present & future-Death Row, executions

Clinton Young – Loud and Clear Topic: Past, present, & future-Death Row, executions Date: March,1hth 2017 The past few months, while not being very active. I did a great deal of thinking. About the relationships of my life. The way with some I overlooked things I shouldn’t have: which it never gets better when such […]

Loud and Clear: 90 days to live

Clinton Young Loud & Clear Topic: 90 days to live Date: March,23 2016. When a person receives an execution date, it is for no less then 90 days. Many counties will give a date of execution that is 90 days away. Some will set it at 4-6 month range. 90 is the worst case. Since […]

Loud and Clear: My book & General update

Clinton Lee Young- Loud & Clear Topic: My book & general update Date written: March ,16,2016 Seems there is some confusion about stuff that should have been posted in February. Hopefully it is all resolved by now. I was planning on writing a blog going into great detail on a few things. Though am dealing […]

Loud and Clear: Mold …. Death Row

Loud & Clear by Clinton Lee Young Topic: mold on Death Row Date: Jan. 11. 2016 A couple months ago, I moved from A. pod to C. pod. The cell I moved into, it is clear that the previous resident failed to clean it properly. There was black mold on the wall, behind the bunk. […]

Loud and Clear: Repost November 16, 2009

Clinton Lee Young Loud and Clear, November 16, 2009 I know that I just wrote a blog. I wanted to take a little time to tell everyone about my hero. My hero is a two year old baby girl. She, sadly is no longer with us. Her name is Riley Ann Sawyers. She was murdered […]

Loud and Clear: My last appeal denial & what’s next

Loud & Clear from Texas Death Row By Clinton Lee Young Date: Aug. 18 2015 Topic: My last appeal denial & what’s next.   Maybe it was a bit of wishful thinking on my part. Though I surely had high hopes that 1) The court would grant me a C.O.A., which is certificate of appealability. […]

Loud and Clear: Daniel Lopez & the Death Penalty

Loud and Clear from Texas Death Row By: Clinton Lee Young Date: Aug 16, 2015 Title: Daniel Lopez & the Death Penalty Daniel Lopez, no matter how you cut it, committed suicide on Aug. 12th 2015. He canceled his appeal. Not because he was guilty, as that he was not. He just knew that no […]

Loud and Clear: A new year

Loud and Clear: A new year Clinton Young   I was sitting here thinking of a good start to the new year. Then the breaking news interrupts my daydreams, of how I would accept my Grammy award for song writer of the year. Okay, maybe that is a stretch of the imagination. Though the reality […]

Loud and Clear: Updates

Loud and Clear: Updates Clinton Lee Young – Loud and Clear Date : Jan.26.2015 Topic : Updates I was just thinking about how I never updated about the rec. yard & the birds. I did win the battle. The rec. yard was covered again with the netting to keep the birds off. However after being […]