Loud & Clear: Caged in forever

Clinton Lee Young – Loud & ClearTopic: Caged in foreverDate: August 16th, 2021 This month of August alone I have been denied access to shower a total of 7 days. August 3rd, 4th, 5th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 16th. Can wash it off in the sink, but it is not the same as hot high […]

Loud & Clear: 2021 starts with a bang!

Clinton Lee Young – Loud & ClearTopic: 2021starts with a bang! Date: Jan. 12th, 2021 I know that I have been silent. My thoughts have mainly been on the case.The good news is that things are moving much faster. You all should be up to date on all that.I was not writing much at all. […]