
Loud and Clear – Insane Opinion

Loud and Clear – Insane Opinion I finally finished reading over everything and find that it is even more insane than i first perceived! As I have to detail a few things, I will get to the point. As I have ranted about for YEARS! I have wanted to get the gloves the codefendant wore […]

Loud and Clear: Down but not out Febr. 20th 2014

Loud and Clear: Down but not out February. 20th 2014   I readily admit that the way my appeal was denied. It surely knocked me down. Though they didn’t know me out!  Not yet at least. As long as I am breathing, then I have a fighting chance. Fight I shall do. Maybe I let […]

Uncensored, June 10 to June 12, 2005

  Uncensored, June 10 to June 12, 2005 Greetings to all! It is the 10th day of June, 2005. I must say that it is getting pretty hot down here in South East Texas. Starting to actually FEEL like hell in these cages we call home. The sun beats down on the back wall to […]